Tibetan language resources

This page includes resources for learning Tibetan and supporting Tibetan language education. Beginners should rely on textbooks and courses to learn the language in a structured and gradual way.

Most resources here are suitable for people learning Tibetan through English. Resources for people learning Tibetan through other languages or for people who already speak Tibetan (e.g. heritage speakers) will be specially marked.


  1. 1. Ütsang Tibetan
  2. 2. Amdo Tibetan
  3. 3. Kham Tibetan
  4. 4. Classical Tibetan
  5. 5. General resources

1. Ütsang Tibetan

This section includes resources on Ütsang Tibetan (also known as Central Tibetan), including Standard Diaspora Tibetan and Lhasa Tibetan.

1.1. Textbooks

The first three textbooks below are available for free online, along with their accompanying audio files:

  • Colloquial Tibetan by Jonathan Samuels (2014)
  • Manual of Standard Tibetan by Nicolas Tournadre + Sangda Dorje, translated by Charles Ramble (2003)
    • Anki deck available on Anki Web
      free text (you need to make a free archive.org account to access this)
      free audio (original + complete audio) — or use the direct SoundCloud links: Disc 1, Disc 2
    • free audio (alternate + partial audio)
  • Introduction to the Tibetan Language by Ruth Gamble, Tenzin Ringpapontsang, Chung Tsering, + Grazia Scotellaro (2018)
    • free text + audio
      You need to download a multimedia epub reader (such as Thorium for desktops or Lithium for Android) to open this book. Audio and video is included in the epub by default.
  • Esukhia’s Tibetan-language textbooks
    • These textbooks are written entirely in Tibetan, because they’re designed to be taught through paid lessons with a Tibetan teacher. Esukhia uses an immersion-only approach.
    • free texts
    • no audio for the textbooks specifically
  • Tibetan Phrasebook (pub. Lonely Planet) by Sandup Tsering (2002)
    • this has been released under at least 5 different editions
    • free text (3rd edition)
    • no audio
  • Colloquial Tibetan by Tsetan Chonjore with Andrea Abinati (2002)
    • this is a very good textbook, and goes further into intermediate grammar than many other resources
    • free text
    • no audio
  • Fluent Tibetan by William A. Magee and Elizabeth Napper (2016)
  • Learning Practical Tibetan by Andrew Bloomfield and Yanki Tshering (1998)
  • Tibetan by Philip Denwood (1999)
    • paid text
  • The Heart of Tibetan Language by Franziska Oertle (2019)
    • paid text

1.2. Courses



1.3. Dictionaries

  • English-Tibetan Dictionary of Modern Tibetan by Melvyn C. Goldstein with Ngawangthondup Narkyid (1984)
  • The New Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan edited by Melvyn C. Goldstein

1.4. Websites




https://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/culturetalk/Tibetan-Language-and-Culture (large collection of Tibetan-language videos with transcripts and translations)


ManjuTib’s website

Tibetan Orthography Notes

1.5. Instagram pages

https://www.instagram.com/beri_gyalse (Tibetan only)












https://www.instagram.com/tibetan.language.1959 (Tibetan only)



1.6. YouTube channels

Alain (French-to-Tibetan)

Ani Dawa Sangmo (Tibetan only)

Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam’s videos on pronunciation (#1, #2)

Heruka Institute


Learning: Basic Reading Tibetan Language

iSpeak Tibetan (Tibetan only)


Sambhota Schools (Tibetan only)

SlowReading Tibetan

Tashi (Tibetan only)

TCV Chauntra (Tibetan only)

White Yak


2. Amdo Tibetan

2.1. Textbooks

  • Colloquial Amdo Tibetan: A Complete Course for Adult English Speakers ༄༅༅།། ཨ་མདོའི་ཁ་སྐད།, by Kuo-ming Sung and Lha Byams Rgyal (2005)
  • Amdo Tibetan: A Comprehensive Grammar Textbook༄༅༅།། ཨ་མདོའི་ཁ་སྐད།, by Kuo-ming Sung and Lha Byams Rgyal (2021)
    • Note: judging by the table of contents, this book seems to be identical to the Colloquial Amdo Tibetan (2005) textbook above.
    • paid text
  • Modern Oral Amdo Tibetan by Kalsang Norbu, Karl A. Peet, dPal ldan bKra shis, and Kevin Stuart (2000)
  • AHP 43: Amdo Tibetan Language: An Introduction to Normative Amdo Tibetan, by dPal ldan bKra shis (2016)
  • Nettle Tibetan’s list of Amdo Tibetan textbooks
  • Gerald Roche’s Amdo Tibetan Learning Resources: A Review Article

2.2. Dictionaries

2.3. Audio and video resources

2.4. Websites

3. Kham Tibetan

3.1. Textbooks

  • Tibetan – English Colloquial Primer: Kham Dialect, by George C. Craft and Tsering Hu Heng

3.2. Dictionaries

Dege Dictionary app

Comparative Dictionary of Southern Khams language varieties

3.3. Websites


4. Classical Tibetan

4.1. Courses

https://www.nettletibetan.ca/ (a complete free online course on Classical Tibetan)

5. General resources

This section includes resources on various Tibetan languages and dialects.


Christian Steinert


Mönlam Tsikdzö Chenmo

List of Tibetan print dictionaries by Columbia University

Tibetan Vocabulary Google Site (part 1) by Dan Martin

Tibetan Vocabulary Google Site (part 2) by Dan Martin

Cultural websites

These websites are more useful for advanced learners who already know Tibetan.

Other resources: