Help others learn Tibetan

There are a lot of ways that you can help improve the resources and tools available to Tibetan language learners, whether you are a native Tibetan speaker or a new learner. This page includes some suggested approaches.

If you want to collaborate or contribute something to this website specifically, please contact me to talk about it.

  1. Add audio to our Standard Tibetan course 🙂
    • Note: looking for native speakers of standard diaspora Tibetan. This website is a volunteer project, and compensation is not available.
  2. Add subtitles to Tibetan videos
  3. Ask Tibetan learners, teachers, and content-creators about what barriers they face and how you can help (or maybe you know somebody who can)
  4. Become a Tibetan language tutor for individuals or groups
  5. Create Anki decks for different Tibetan textbooks + courses
  6. Create a consolidated platform for reviewing different Tibetan tutors and their strengths + weaknesses
  7. Create a list of freelance Tibetan teachers. Ask around to see if people know any other Tibetan teachers that are not yet on the list.
  8. Create leveled curricula of Tibetan videos
  9. Create or contribute to an open-access online dictionary for Modern Tibetan
  10. Encourage existing content creators to add public-facing notes on how to get involved in their projects, if they’re looking for help
  11. Help different teachers + content creators network with each other. Sometimes we’re so busy with our projects that we don’t have much time to network, or we don’t know who else has the skills + interest to help with the projects we’re working on. Some of us are also quite introverted. Get to know different people and what their skills + interests are, and mention them to other teachers + content creators if relevant.
  12. Improve existing Anki decks (e.g. by fixing errors, adding audio, etc.)
  13. Make a website or app to teach Tibetan
  14. Make a YouTube channel or Instagram account to teach Tibetan
  15. Make suggestions when you notice an error or an omission in an existing resource, or if you have a suggestion for something new
  16. Record audio of Tibetan storybooks, news articles, + other print media
  17. Spread the word about cool resources (especially open-access ones)
  18. Write summaries of Tibetan linguistics articles + books

People who are creative, passionate, selfless, and tenacious often make the best helpers. If you care about Tibetic languages, please think of how you can personally contribute instead of waiting for other people to make things happen. If you are struggling on your own, then ask around to find people who can help.

You may get pushback for some of these approaches. For example, someone might respond poorly to a suggestion, or might ignore you, or might disagree with your suggestion. If that happens, don’t worry; just move on.

Note: There are few resources available for most Tibetan dialects and Tibetic languages. If you know an uncommon dialect or language, please consider focusing on it instead of focusing on Standard Tibetan. Most Tibetic languages have less than 10,000 speakers and are in danger of dying out.

See something missing from this list? Please contact me to suggest it.

If you are a Tibetan language teacher or content creator and want to post specific requests for help on this page, please feel free to contact me to talk about it.